SDP (Skill Development Program)
This course, developed in collaboration with Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE), focuses on fostering the essential skills students need for university and society. By encouraging research, critical thinking, and teamwork, students' thinking styles and communication and coordination abilities can be effectively enhanced.

CCPE (Cross Culture Philosophy and Ethics)
As we all know, ethics and integrity are qualities that every qualified global citizen must possess. Through this course, students will explore different ethical issues and gain a broader understanding of them.
This course originated from Winchester College in the United Kingdom and is a research-based learning program that aims to cultivate students' ability to critically analyze a topic from different perspectives. In the process, academic writing, film creation, public speaking, and other forms greatly enhance the WLSA students' ability to engage in in-depth analysis and critical thinking on various topics.


ADAS (Assimilation and Differences Across Societies)
This course is adapted from Harvard Westlake School. Students compare and analyze cultural values between China and the United States, reexamining their past perceptions. The classroom mode primarily consists of Socratic seminars, enabling students to participate more efficiently in class discussions, preparing them in advance for future study abroad experiences.
Chinese Strategy
This course focuses on ancient Chinese warfare and peace, analyzing strategic plans and impacts based on historical foundations. It integrates Chinese history, politics, and Asian philosophy, making it an interdisciplinary course.